Achieving Authentic Happiness

Coaching and education on how to live your best life.

Are you STUCK?

Is there something in your life that you’re not happy about? It could be your job or that promotion that just isn’t coming, your health, the way you look, or a relationship that’s not working. Can you picture it? How does it feel? How much better would your life be if you had a grip on that thing? What if you could change it? Work with it?

You may be thinking, THAT’S what I’ve been trying to do all my life! Nothing works! Well, that’s probably true, nothing you’ve tried yet has worked. So how do you achieve success in these things in life? You must learn new skills.

How do you do that? You might be asking. Well, that’s where a teacher, coach, or mentor comes in. Most of us in life aren’t lucky enough to have a friend, parent, or mentor who’s just there to help us with all these things because they’ve already achieved success and studied how to relate that to others. That’s where a coach comes into play.

You can see growth and change in your life and reach your goals. For the last 8 years, I’ve been working with clients who felt just like you do, but have found the success they were longing for in life!

What is a life coach?

A life coach encourages, challenges, & counsels clients on what matters most to them. In my time of coaching, I feel the greatest assets I bring to my clients are accountability, focus, and friendship. Just as a sports coach listens to your goals for success on the field and guides you with their experience and knowledge, a life coach does the same for your life. You might reach out to a coach for practical work on habit formation, behavioral modification, lessons on negotiation, or advice on how to relate to others personally or professionally.


A business coach does everything a life coach does, but instead of working with the individual, they work with the institution. As a business coach, I consult with the leadership team with input from all levels of the organization to help them define their identity & values, create an action plan, and then partner with them long-term to provide accountability.

What is a business coach?



“Jessica has been a major influence on my life. Before I started working with him, I didn’t feel that I was doing anything wrong per se, but I felt like wasn’t able to move forward with many of the goals I had in my head. Thanks to Jessica, I have a strong sense of purpose to rely on that has helped me navigate work, relationships and personal projects. His ability to bring out the best in me and ensure I am moving forward has been life changing. I can not recommend Jessica enough.”

— Michael K. (Computer Programmer / Entrepreneur)

“I can still hear Jesse’s encouraging voice in my ear guiding me through business decisions and self interests.  When I’ve been stuck in life, I’ve used his concepts to better understand my feelings and motivations to get me where I want to go.  Before I met Jesse, I would have described my life as feeling too full.  I was overloaded in my thoughts and was in desperation for some relief.  We worked through a concept of living in abundance versus living in scarcity.  While I have heard concepts like this before, it was Jesse’s delivery method that made it work for me.  Because he took the time to get to know my personal self interests and he valued that, he was able to lead me down a path of feeling free in life.  I currently live with  peace of mind and I feel more confident with decision I make every day.  

When I first met Jesse, he approached me for some advice on health and fitness.  I quickly realized that he was a guy who was interested in building relationships and learning from them.  We quickly became friends and enjoyed sharing knowledge of many topics. When I found myself needing help that I couldn’t figure out myself it was easy to reach out to Jesse for guidance.  

Whether it’s financial strain, relationship stress or finding a path to your success, Jesse can help you navigate the journey.  

Life doesn’t come with a road-map, but it does come with great people.  Jesse is one of those great people you should meet.”

— Lucas K. (Physical Health Expert / Business Owner)

Book an Appointment

Let’s sit down for coffee and start doing life better.